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Your Search for Steve Kimock & Friends returned 1 show containing your keyword Backdoor Man from All Sets in all venues in any city listed by in Ascending order.
12/17/94 (Sat)
19 Broadway - Fairfax,
Set 1: Baby Baby, Wayback Machine, Jam, It's Up To You, Instrumental, Bacon Fat (1), Tongue 'n' Groove, Rigor Mortis, Livin' For The City, Sleepwalk, High And Lonesome, Backdoor Man (2)
Comment: (1) with unknown vocals
Steve Kimock - guitars. Chip Roland - Keyboards, Organ. Ernest Carter - drums. (2) Judge Murphy - vocals
Rick Cumings
This show has an average rating of 4.67 out of 3 votes.
Please send all setlists for Steve Kimock & Friends to David Tracer.
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