As an administrator you will need to post all
known setlists past and present as well as upcoming shows. Setlists should be
posted as soon as possible after the show, preferably within 24 hours.
I must stress the importance of updating the
Setlists on a regular basis. Updating the setlists after the show also helps
spread the word of the artist you are going to administer. The more updated it
is the more people will see that name when they come to see the setlists of
other artists on the site.
If you want to become an administrator please
send me an email and we’ll get started.
We would love to post your photos. Please send them in with the artist name,
show date and the name of the person you would like to give credit to. Photos
are linked to specific shows so we cannot post any photos without a show date.
Please send original photos only.
To send a setlist correction email the administrator for that artist. You can find a link at the bottom of the page for the artist you are searching for. You
can also go to