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Your Search for Steve Kimock Band returned 145 shows containing your keyword Thing One from All Sets in all venues in any city listed by in Ascending order.
04/18/02 (Thu)
Barrymore Theatre - Madison,
Set 1: Why Can't We All Just Samba, Cole's Law, Elmer's Revenge, Moon People, Five B4 Funk
Set 2: You're the One, A New Africa, Tongue 'n' Groove, Thing One, Hillbillies On PCP
Comment: Thing One(4x), Moon People
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitars, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums.
Rad Davenport (Andrew Myers). Corrections: Adam Oppenheim
This show has an average rating of 4.22 out of 18 votes.
04/23/02 (Tue)
Chester's Place - Fayetteville,
Set 1: Ice Cream Factory, Thing One, Elmer's Revenge, Cowboy, Bronx Experiment, Hillbillies On PCP
Set 2: Cole's Law, You're The One (1), Tangled Hangers, Rainbow's Cadillac (1), Avalon
Comment: (1) with Earl Cate
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitars, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums.
Charlie and Arielle. Corrections: Adam Oppenheim, Andy Dorfmann
This show has an average rating of 4.62 out of 13 votes.
04/24/02 (Wed)
Liberty Hall - Lawrence,
Set 1: Tongue 'n' Groove, Elmer's Revenge, Long Form part 1 > Black Satin jam > Long Form part 1, Sabertooth, Green > Avalon
Set 2: Thing One, A New Africa, You're The One, Moon People, In Reply > Five B4 Funk
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitars, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums.
Charlie and Arielle
This show has an average rating of 4.57 out of 14 votes.
04/28/02 (Sun)
Tipitina's Uptown - New Orleans,
Set 1: A New Africa, Elmer's Revenge, Thing One, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Sabertooth, Cole's Law
Set 2: Hillbillies On PCP, Long Form Part 1, Bronx Experiment, Kissing The Boo Boo, Avalon
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitars, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums.
Arielle Phares
This show has an average rating of 4.20 out of 5 votes.
05/29/02 (Wed)
Catalyst - Santa Cruz,
Set 1: Steel Guitar Rag, Long Form Part 1, A New Africa, Thing One, Elmer's Revenge, Tongue 'n' Groove
Set 2: Electric Wildlife, Kissing The Boo Boo, Sabertooth, Baby Baby, Hillbillies On PCP
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitars, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums.
Alan Dorchak
This show has an average rating of 3.89 out of 9 votes.
05/30/02 (Thu)
The Fillmore - San Francisco,
Set 1: ? (1) (2) > You're The One (2), Five B4 Funk (2), Electric Wildlife, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Elmer's Revenge
Set 2: Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers (2), Sabertooth (2) (3), Thing One, Avalon
Comment: (1) jam without Alphonso (2) with Martin Fierro (3) with DJ Tobi-Wan (sp?)
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitars, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums.
Simon Friedman
This show has an average rating of 3.50 out of 10 votes.
05/31/02 (Fri)
Belly Up Tavern - Solana Beach,
Set 1: It's Up To You, Arf She Cried, Ice Cream Factory (1), Electric Wildlife, Moon People, Better Get Hit In Your Soul
Set 2: Storm Crow, Footprints (1), Rainbow's Cadillac (1), In Reply > Thing One
Comment: (1) with Alphonso solo
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitars, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums.
Arielle Phares
This show has an average rating of 4.31 out of 13 votes.
06/02/02 (Sun)
House of Blues - Anaheim,
Set 1: Cole's Law, Five B4 Funk, Electric Wildlife, Severe Tire Damage > Avalon
Set 2: Kissing The Boo Boo, Storm Crow, Thing One, Long Form Part 1, You're The One
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitars, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums.
Arielle Phares
This show has an average rating of 4.31 out of 13 votes.
06/14/02 (Fri)
Another Family-A-Faire @ Horning's Hideout - North Plains,
Set 1: Why Can't We All Just Samba, Elmer's Revenge, Ice Cream Factory, Electric Wildlife, Moon People, Hillbillies on PCP
Set 2: Tongue 'n' Groove, Sabertooth, Long Form Part 1, Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Thing One, Avalon
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitars, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums.
Brian Abramson
This show has an average rating of 4.29 out of 17 votes.
07/03/02 (Wed)
Mercury Lounge - New York City,
Set 1: Thing One, You're The One, Bronx Experiment, A New Africa, Elmer's Revenge, Hillbillies On PCP
Set 2: Electric Wildlife, High And Lonesome, Moon People, Ice Cream Factory, Sabertooth, Cole's Law
Comment: Private Party
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitars, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums.
Arielle Phares
This show has an average rating of 4.33 out of 18 votes.
07/04/02 (Thu)
Gathering of the Vibes @ Indian Lookout Country Club - Mariaville,
Set 1: It's Up To You, Tongue 'N' Groove, Moon People, Sabertooth, Thing One, Five B4 Funk, E: Avalon
Comment: Entire set with John Morgan Kimock on drums.
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitars, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums.
Arielle Phares
This show has an average rating of 4.55 out of 22 votes.
07/20/02 (Sat)
Jerry Garcia Birthday Bash @ Sunshine Daydream Campground - Terra Alta,
Set 1: Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Thing One, Elmer's Revenge, It's Up To You, Stella Blue, Sabertooth
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitars, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums.
Andy Dorfmann
This show has an average rating of 4.30 out of 10 votes.
08/08/02 (Thu)
Waterloo Village - Stanhope,
Set 1: Ice Cream Factory, In Reply > Elmer's Revenge, Arf She Cried (1), Tongue 'n' Groove, Moon People
Set 2: Thing One, Storm Crow, Sabertooth, Avalon, Cole's Law
Comment: (1) with Eric Levy from Garaj Mahal on keyboards.
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitars, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums.
Freda Rowley
This show has an average rating of 4.11 out of 28 votes.
08/31/02 (Sat)
Summer of Love Festival @ Marvin's Mountaintop - Masontown,
Set 1: Kissing The Boo Boo, Elmer's Revenge, Tongue 'n' Groove, Thing One, Moon People, Hillbillies On PCP
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitars, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums.
Andrew Myers
This show has an average rating of 3.59 out of 17 votes.
09/27/02 (Fri)
Harvest Festival @ Atlanta's Back Porch - Fairburn,
Set 1: A New Africa, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Thing One, In Reply > Elmer's Revenge, You're the One, Moon People, Hillbillies On PCP
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitars, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums.
Mike Derr
This show has an average rating of 4.19 out of 21 votes.
12/05/02 (Thu)
Big Cat - Osaka,
Set 1: Kissing the Boo Boo, Electric Wildlife, It's Up To You, Elmer's Revenge, You're the One
Set 2: Why Can't We All Just Samba, Moon People, Thing One, Avalon, Five B4 Funk
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitars, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums.
This show has an average rating of 3.30 out of 10 votes.
12/07/02 (Sat)
Club Quattro - Tokyo,
Set 1: Bad Hair, Avalon, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Moon People, Cole's Law
Set 2: Ice Cream Factory, Thing One, Sabertooth, Tangled Hangers, Rainbow's Cadillac
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitars, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums.
This show has an average rating of 4.00 out of 24 votes.
12/28/02 (Sat)
8150 Club - Vail,
Set 1: Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Elmer's Revenge, Long Form Part 4, Sabertooth, Hillbillies On PCP
Set 2: Ice Cream Factory, Baby Baby, Thing One, Moon People, Tongue 'N' Groove
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitars, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums.
Alan Stecher
This show has an average rating of 4.45 out of 31 votes.
12/30/02 (Mon)
Gothic Theatre - Englewood,
Set 1: High And Lonesome, A New Africa, Cowboy, Electric Wildlife, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Rainbow's Cadillac
Set 2: The Bronx Experiment, You're The One, Elmer's Revenge, Thing One, Kissing The Boo Boo
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitars, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums.
Alan Stecher
This show has an average rating of 4.70 out of 50 votes.
02/15/03 (Sat)
The Palladium - Worcester,
Set 1: It's Up To You, You're The One, Electric Wildlife, Thing One, Elmer's Revenge, Bronx Experiment, Tongue 'n' Groove
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Arielle via Chris Barnes
This show has an average rating of 4.09 out of 34 votes.
02/21/03 (Fri)
Trocadero Theatre - Philadelphia,
Set 1: Cole's Law, Electric Wildlife, Thing One, Elmer's Revenge, Hillbillies on PCP
Set 2: Moon People, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Sabertooth, Five B4 Funk, Baby Baby
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Alan Dorchak
This show has an average rating of 3.93 out of 27 votes.
02/23/03 (Sun)
Northern Lights - Clifton Park,
Set 1: Bad Hair, Severe Tire Damage, Electric Wildlife, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Arf She Cried
Set 2: A New Africa, Rainbow's Cadillac, Life of the Party, Thing One, Kissing The Boo Boo, E: Moon People
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Nicholas Napoli. Corrections: Simon Friedman
This show has an average rating of 4.54 out of 13 votes.
02/28/03 (Fri)
Bowery Ballroom - New York City,
Set 1: Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Thing One, Arf She Cried, Electric Wildlife, Five B4 Funk
Set 2: You're the One, Life of the Party > drum solo > Elmer's Revenge, In Reply > Sabertooth, Hillbillies on PCP
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Alan Dorchak
This show has an average rating of 4.33 out of 27 votes.
03/04/03 (Tue)
Lincoln Theatre - Raleigh,
Set 1: Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, A New Africa, Elmer's Revenge, Life of the Party, Five B4 Funk
Set 2: Electric Wildlife, High and Lonesome, You're the One, Sabertooth, Thing One, Avalon
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Mark Goldey, Todd Runkle
This show has an average rating of 4.29 out of 21 votes.
03/05/03 (Wed)
Visulite Theatre - Charlotte,
Set 1: Tongue 'N' Groove, Kissing The Boo Boo, Rainbow's Cadillac, Moon People, Sabertooth, Hillbillies on PCP
Set 2: You're the One, Arf She Cried, Thing One, Avalon, Little Wing
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Todd Sanders
This show has an average rating of 4.68 out of 22 votes.
03/06/03 (Thu)
Orange Peel - Asheville,
Set 1: In Reply > Thing One > Elmer's Revenge, Electric Wildlife, Five B4 Funk
Set 2: It's Up To You, Bronx Experiment, Life of the Party > Sabertooth, Ice Cream Factory, Tongue 'N' Groove, E: Arf She Cried
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Alan Dorchak
This show has an average rating of 4.00 out of 14 votes.
03/08/03 (Sat)
Side Bar - Gainesville,
Set 1: Bad Hair, Electric Wildlife, Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, drums > Elmer's Revenge, You're the One
Set 2: A New Africa, Thing One, drums > Moon People, Tongue 'n' Groove
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Alan Dorchak
This show has an average rating of 4.20 out of 10 votes.
03/11/03 (Tue)
Skipper's Smokehouse - Tampa,
Set 1: Steel Guitar Rag, Long Form Part 1, Arf She Cried, Ice Cream Factory, Thing One, Tongue 'n' Groove
Set 2: A New Africa, Life of the Party, Rainbow's Cadillac, drums > Elmer's Revenge, Cowboy, Hillbillies on PCP
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Alan Dorchak
This show has an average rating of 4.25 out of 12 votes.
03/13/03 (Thu)
Freebird Cafe - Jacksonville Beach,
Set 1: High & Lonesome, Storm Crow, Thing One, Electric Wildlife, Five B4 Funk
Set 2: You're the One, Tongue 'n' Groove, Arf She Cried, Avalon, Moon People, Hillbillies on PCP
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Alan Dorchak
This show has an average rating of 4.78 out of 9 votes.
03/15/03 (Sat)
Culture Room - Fort Lauderdale,
Set 1: Tongue 'n' Groove, It's Up To You, Arf She Cried, Storm Crow, Sabertooth, Hillbillies on PCP
Set 2: Ice Cream Factory, You're the One, drums > Thing One, Moon People, Kissing the Boo Boo, Five B4 Funk, E: Little Wing
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Alan Dorchak
This show has an average rating of 4.79 out of 14 votes.
03/18/03 (Tue)
Beta Bar - Tallahassee,
Set 1: Purim Story (1) > Bronx Experiment, You're the One, Long Form Part 1, Rainbow's Cadillac, Moon People, Thing One
Set 2: Tongue 'n' Groove, Baby Baby, bass solo > It's Up To You
Comment: (1) told by Mitch, Arne not on stage, Steve on ukelele.
Alan Dorchak
This show has an average rating of 4.60 out of 10 votes.
03/19/03 (Wed)
House of Blues - New Orleans,
Set 1: High and Lonesome, Bad Hair, Electric Wildlife, Cole's Law, Sabertooth, Thing One
Set 2: "Korubanda", Elmer's Revenge, You're the One, Kissing the Boo Boo, Avalon
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Alan Dorchak
This show has an average rating of 5.00 out of 10 votes.
03/21/03 (Fri)
Chester's Place - Fayetteville,
Set 1: Storm Crow, Life Of The Party, Elmer's Revenge, Electric Wildlife, Thing One
Set 2: Better Get Hit In Your Soul, Baby Baby, Sabertooth, A New Africa, Five B4 Funk
Comment: Evening Show
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Mclain Causey
This show has an average rating of 4.56 out of 16 votes.
03/24/03 (Mon)
Liberty Hall - Lawrence,
Set 1: A New Africa, Thing One, Tangled Hangers, Long Form Part One
Set 2: Rainbow's Cadillac, Arf She Cried, Tongue 'N' Groove, Moon People, Hillbillies On PCP
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Kevin Umberger
This show has an average rating of 4.50 out of 8 votes.
03/28/03 (Fri)
Luther's Blues - Madison,
Set 1: It's Up to You, Long Form Part Four, Many Rivers To Cross, Bronx Experiment, Rainbow's Cadillac, Thing One
Set 2: You're The One, Electric Wildlife, A New Africa, Elmer's Revenge, Moon People, Avalon
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Kevin Umberger, Dan Nelson, Spencer Jones
This show has an average rating of 4.76 out of 25 votes.
03/29/03 (Sat)
Black Orchid Supper Club - Chicago,
Set 1: Ice Cream Factory, Life of the Party, Better Get Hit In Your Soul, Tongue 'N' Groove, Thing One
Set 2: You're the One, Tangled Hangers, Sabretooth, Hillbillies On PCP
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Kevin Umberger, Dan Nelson
This show has an average rating of 4.72 out of 29 votes.
04/10/03 (Thu)
Catalyst - Santa Cruz,
Set 1: A New Africa, Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Thing One, Sabertooth, In Reply
Set 2: You're the One, Elmer's Revenge, Arf She Cried, Tongue 'n' Groove, Hillbillies on PCP
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Lance Case
This show has an average rating of 3.19 out of 26 votes.
04/13/03 (Sun)
Mystic Theater - Petaluma,
Set 1: Le Petite Groove (1), Ice Cream Factory (1), Long Form Part 1, Electric Wildlife, Thing One (2), Hillbillies on PCP
Set 2: Anorexia is Not for Everyone (1) (2), Sun Sun Sun (1) (2), Cole's Law (2) > Tangled Hangers (2), Sabertooth (2), Tongue 'n' Groove (2), E: Little Wing (2)
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass, (1) Julian Lage - guitar (2) Martin Fierro - tenor saxophone.
Alan Dorchak, Simon Friedman
This show has an average rating of 4.83 out of 40 votes.
04/15/03 (Tue)
Six Rivers Brewing Company - Eureka,
Set 1: Why Can't We All Just Samba, Electric Wildlife, High & Lonesome, Elmer's Revenge, Thing One, Cole's Law, Arf She Cried, Five B4 Funk, Moon People, You're the One, Iron Man, Hillbillies on PCP
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Alan Dorchak
This show has an average rating of 4.18 out of 11 votes.
04/17/03 (Thu)
Showbox at the Market - Seattle,
Set 1: A New Africa, Bad Hair, Why Can't We All Just Samba, In Reply > Bronx Experiment, Thing One
Set 2: It's Up To You, Arf She Cried, Elmer's Revenge, Sabertpoth, You're the One
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Alan Dorchak
This show has an average rating of 4.50 out of 24 votes.
04/19/03 (Sat)
Midtown Ballroom - Bend,
Set 1: Kissing the Boo Boo, Life of the Party, Mr. Potato Head, Sabertooth, Many Rivers to Cross, Long Form Part 4
Set 2: A New Africa, Severe Tire Damage, Thing One, drums > Elmer's Revenge, Arf She Cried, Why Can't We All Just Samba, E: Sleepwalk
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Alan Dorchak
This show has an average rating of 4.55 out of 20 votes.
04/20/03 (Sun)
The Annex - Eugene,
Set 1: Ice Cream Factory, Congo Man Chant, Storm Crow, Bronx Experiment, Hillbillies On PCP, Tongue 'n' Groove
Set 2: It's Up To You, Arf She Cried, Thing One, Moon People, Stella Blue, Avalon
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Alan Dorchak
This show has an average rating of 4.10 out of 30 votes.
04/23/03 (Wed)
Zephyr Club - Salt Lake City,
Set 1: It's Up To You, Bronx Experiment, Thing One, Elmer's Revenge, Sabertooth, Tongue 'n' Groove
Set 2: A New Africa, Electric Wildlife, Arf She Cried, You're the One, Five B4 Funk
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Alan Dorchak
This show has an average rating of 4.92 out of 13 votes.
04/25/03 (Fri)
Cervante's Masterpiece Ballroom - Denver,
Set 1: Cole's Law, Bronx Experiment, Thing One, Electric Wildfire, Life of the Party, You're the One
Set 2: Baby Baby, Arf She Cried, Steel Guitar Rag, Tangled Hangers, Drums > Moon People, Five B4 Funk, E: Stella Blue
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Michael Forkan
This show has an average rating of 4.73 out of 26 votes.
06/27/03 (Fri)
Belly Up Tavern - Solana Beach,
Set 1: A New Africa, Electric Wildlife, Avalon, Five B4 Funk, Tongue 'N' Groove
Set 2: It's Up To You, You're The One, Sabertooth, Elmer's Revenge, Thing One
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Todd Marcus
This show has an average rating of 4.47 out of 36 votes.
06/28/03 (Sat)
House of Blues - West Hollywood,
Set 1: Ice Cream Factory, Why Cant We all Just Samba, Bronx Experiment, Drums > Moon People, Cole's Law (1) > Tangled Hangers (1)
Set 2: Sabertooth, Thing One, Long Form Part 1, Baby Baby, Hillbillies On PCP (1)
Comment: (1) with Martin Fierro on saxophoneaphone
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Todd Sanders
This show has an average rating of 4.35 out of 26 votes.
07/03/03 (Thu)
High Sierra Music Festival @ Plumas-Sierra County Fairgrounds (High Sierra Music Hall) - Quincy,
Set 1: A New Africa, Electric Wildlife, In Reply > Elmer's Revenge, Thing One, Hillbillies On PCP
Set 2: It's Up To You, Moon People, You're The One, Sabertooth, Cole's Law > Avalon
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass, Peter Apfelbaum - keyboards.
Todd Sanders
This show has an average rating of 4.46 out of 41 votes.
07/04/03 (Fri)
High Sierra Music Festival @ Plumas-Sierra County Fairgrounds (Grandstand Stage) - Quincy,
Set 1: Why Can't We All Just Samba, Thing One, Bronx Experiment, Five B4 Funk, Tangled Hangers, Tongue 'N' Groove
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass, Peter Apfelbaum - keyboards.
Todd Sanders
This show has an average rating of 4.00 out of 16 votes.
07/10/03 (Thu)
The Mint - Hailey,
Set 1: Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Electric Wildlife, Kissing The Boo Boo, Long Form Part 4 > Avalon
Set 2: You're The One, Thing One, Elmer's Revenge, Tongue 'n' Groove, Hillbillies On PCP
Steve Kimock - guitars, Peter Apfelbaum - keyboards, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Alan Dorchak, Charlie Miller
This show has an average rating of 3.25 out of 8 votes.
07/12/03 (Sat)
Mangy Moose - Teton Village,
Set 1: Steel Guitar Rag, It's Up To You, Electric Wildlife, Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Thing One
Set 2: Bronx Experiment, Ice Cream Factory, Storm Crow, Stella Blue, Rainbow's Cadillac, Avalon
Steve Kimock - guitars, Peter Apfelbaum - keyboards & saxophone, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Josh Davis, Eric P. Nelson, Charlie Miller
This show has an average rating of 3.88 out of 32 votes.
07/27/03 (Sun)
Fuji Rock Festival @ Naeba Ski Resort - Naeba, Niigata,
Set 1: Why Can't We All Just Samba, A New Africa, Five B4 Funk, Thing One, Sabertooth, Hillbillies On PCP
Set 2: It's Up To You, Bronx Experiment, Kissing the Boo Boo, Elmer's Revenge, Tongue 'n' Groove, Avalon, E: High & Lonesome, Arf She Cried
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Charlie Miller
This show has an average rating of 4.58 out of 12 votes.
08/15/03 (Fri)
Berkshire Mountain Music Festival @ Butternut Basin Ski Area - Great Barrington,
Set 1: Why Can't We All Just Samba, Bronx Experiment, A New Africa, Electric Wildlife, Thing One
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass, Peter Apfelbaum - keyboards
skb archives
This show has an average rating of 3.14 out of 7 votes.
08/30/03 (Sat)
Hookahville @ Frontier Ranch - Kirkersville,
Set 1: Tongue 'N' Groove, Five B4 Funk, Life of The Party, Thing One, Sabertooth, Hillbillies on PCP
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Alphonso Johnson - bass.
Kevin Umberger
This show has an average rating of 4.38 out of 13 votes.
09/21/03 (Sun)
Earthdance Festival @ Black Oak Ranch - Laytonville,
Set 1: It's Up To You, Five B4 Funk, A New Africa, Thing One, Sabertooth, Hillbillies On PCP
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Alphonso Johnson - bass.
Charlie Miller
This show has an average rating of 3.33 out of 6 votes.
09/27/03 (Sat)
Bowery Ballroom - New York City,
Set 1: Long Form part 1, Life of the Party, Storm Crow, Sea Blues, KissinG the Boo Boo, Why Can't We All Just Samba
Set 2: It's Up To You, The Bronx Experiment, Thing One, Moon People, Long Form part 4 (1), You're the One (1)
Comment: (1) with Peter Apfelbaum on Saxophone
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Kevin Umberger
This show has an average rating of 4.24 out of 17 votes.
10/03/03 (Fri)
State Theatre - Falls Church,
Set 1: High & Lonesome, It's Up To You, Moon People, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Storm Crow, Bronx Experiment
Set 2: Thing One, Tangled Hangers, Five B4 Funk, Tongue 'n' Groove
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Chris Black, Kevin Umberger, CM
This show has an average rating of 3.81 out of 21 votes.
10/18/03 (Sat)
Mexicali Blues - Teaneck,
Set 1: High & Lonesome, It's Up To You, Sabretooth, Avalon, Long Form Part 1, Hillbillies On PCP
Set 2: Long Form Part 4, In Reply, Elmer's Revenge, Moon People, Thing One
Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.
Cole Lahey
This show has an average rating of 4.85 out of 20 votes.
10/23/03 (Thu)
Lincoln Theatre - Raleigh,
Set 1: Kissing the Boo Boo, Moon People, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Tangled Hangers, Elmer's Revenge, Tongue 'n' Groove
Set 2: Thing One, Electric Wildlife, Better Get Hit in Your Soul, Rainbow's Cadillac, Five B4 Funk, Hillbillies On PCP
David Greiner
This show has an average rating of 4.77 out of 13 votes.
10/25/03 (Sat)
Visulite Theatre - Charlotte,
Set 1: High & Lonesome, Electric Wildlife, Tongue 'n' Groove, Elmer's Revenge, Long Form Part 1, Long Form Part 4
Set 2: Thing One, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Moon People, Ice Cream Factory, You're the One, Hillbillies On PCP
Todd Runkle, Kevin Umberger
This show has an average rating of 4.00 out of 18 votes.
10/31/03 (Fri)
Vic Theatre - Chicago,
Set 1: Thing One, A New Africa, Bad Hair, The Bronx Experiment, Better Get It In Your Soul (1), Tongue 'n' Groove (1)
Set 2: You're the One (1), Sabertooth, Mr. Potato Head (1), Moon People, Footprints (1), Hillbillies
Comment: (1) Frank Catalano - saxophoneaphone
Steve Kimock - guitars. Mitch Stein - guitars. Arne Livingston - bass. Rodney Holmes - drums.
Joe Wagner, Dave Hollen
This show has an average rating of 4.41 out of 39 votes.
11/01/03 (Sat)
410 Club - Wrigley Building - Chicago,
Set 1: Why Can't We All Just Samba, Baby Baby, Electric Wildlife, Cowboy, Long Form Part Four (1), My Favorite Things (1), Thing One
Set 2: Cole's Law, Ice Cream Factory, Rainbow's Cadillac, Sea Blues (1), Better Get Hit In Your Soul (1)
Comment: private party (1) with Frank Catalano on saxophone
Kevin Umberger
This show has an average rating of 4.56 out of 18 votes.
11/02/03 (Sun)
Blind Pig - Ann Arbor,
Set 1: High and Lonesome, Storm Crow, A new Africa, Long Form Part 1, Rainbow's Cadillac, Tongue 'n' Groove
Set 2: It's Up To You, Elmer's Revenge, Thing One, Moon People, Avalon, Little Wing, E: Hillbillies
Rich DeBene
This show has an average rating of 4.91 out of 35 votes.
12/27/03 (Sat)
Avalon Ballroom - San Francisco,
Set 1: Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Electric Wildlife, One for Brother Mike, Long Form Part 4, Tongue 'n' Groove (1)
Set 2: Thing One > Eudemon > Sabertooth, Bouncer, Moon People, Kissin' The Boo Boo, Avalon
Comment: (1) with Martin Fierro
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Mitch Stein - guitar, Jim Kost - keyboards.
skb archives
This show has an average rating of 4.26 out of 43 votes.
12/29/03 (Mon)
Fox Theatre - Boulder,
Set 1: You're The One, Electric Wildlife, A New Africa, Drums > Elmer's Revenge, Hillbillies On PCP
Set 2: Ice Cream Factory, Sabertooth, Bouncer, Brother Mike, Moon People, Thing One, Tongue 'n' Groove
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Mitch Stein - guitar, Jim Kost - keyboards.
Nic Brokenleg
This show has an average rating of 3.30 out of 44 votes.
12/31/03 (Wed)
Gothic Theatre - Englewood,
Set 1: Solo Raga, Storm Crow, Severe Tire Damage, Why Can't We All Just Samba
Set 2: High and Lonesome, Bad Hair, One For Brother Mike, Electric Wildlife, Tongue 'N' Groove
Set 3: A New Africa, Coles Law, Tangled Hangers, Elmer's Revenge, Bouncer, It's Up To You, Thing One, Bronx Experiment, Avalon, E: Kissing The Boo Boo
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Mitch Stein - guitar, Jim Kost - keyboards.
Kevin Umberger, Simon Friedman, Charlie Miller
This show has an average rating of 4.35 out of 51 votes.
02/26/04 (Thu)
Higher Ground - Winooski,
Set 1: Tangled Hangers, A New Africa, Brother Mike, You're the One, Electric Wildlife, Five B4 Funk
Set 2: Thing One, Elmer's Revenge, Bouncer, Bronx Experiment, Arf She Cried, Hillbillies On PCP
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass, Jim Kost - keyboards.
Simon Friedman
This show has an average rating of 3.93 out of 14 votes.
02/28/04 (Sat)
Middle East - Cambridge,
Set 1: Tangled Hangers, Electric Wildlife, Elmer's Revenge, Kissing The Boo Boo, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Cole's Law
Set 2: A New Africa, Thing One, Sabertooth, You're The One, Avalon
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass, Jim Kost - keyboards.
Kevin Umberger, Simon Friedman
This show has an average rating of 4.53 out of 40 votes.
03/04/04 (Thu)
Mexicali Blues - Teaneck,
Set 1: Bad Hair, One for Brother Mike, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Elmer's Revenge, Thing One
Set 2: In Reply, Avalon, A New Africa, Bronx Experiment, Tongue 'n' Groove
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass, Jim Kost - keyboards.
Bret Burton
This show has an average rating of 3.83 out of 18 votes.
03/06/04 (Sat)
Starr Hill Music Hall - Charlottesville,
Set 1: High & Lonesome, Life of the Party, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Avalon, Elmer's Revenge, It's Up To You
Set 2: A New Africa, One for Brother Mike, Thing One, Ice Cream Factory, Tongue 'n' Groove
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass, Jim Kost - keyboards.
Kevin Umberger, Andrew Myers
This show has an average rating of 4.79 out of 33 votes.
03/20/04 (Sat)
Trocadero Theatre - Philadelphia,
Set 1: A New Africa, Electric Wildlife, One For Brother Mike, Elmer's Revenge, Thing One, Tongue 'N' Groove
Set 2: Bad Hair, Bronx Experiment, Bouncer, Storm Crow > Avalon > Storm Crow (reprise) > Avalon
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass, Jim Kost - keyboards.
Kevin Umberger, Charlie Miller
This show has an average rating of 4.22 out of 23 votes.
03/26/04 (Fri)
Water Street Music Hall - Rochester,
Set 1: Storm Crow, Electric Wildlife, Why Can't We All Just Samba, One For Brother Mike, Long Form Part 4, You're The One
Set 2: Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Thing One, Avalon, Five B4 Funk, Tongue 'n' Groove, E: A New Africa
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass, Jim Kost - keyboards.
Alex Zivian, Charlie Miller
This show has an average rating of 4.39 out of 18 votes.
03/27/04 (Sat)
B.B. King Blues Club - New York City,
Set 1: High & Lonesome, Electric Wildlife, Elmer's Revenge, Bad Hair, Tongue 'n' Groove
Set 2: Thing One, Arf She Cried, Sabertooth, One For Brother Mike, Ice Cream Factory, Avalon
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass, Jim Kost - keyboards.
Charlie Miller
This show has an average rating of 4.48 out of 25 votes.
04/29/04 (Thu)
Showbox at the Market - Seattle,
Set 1: Weapons of Moose Destruction, Electric Wildlife, Thing One, Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Five B4 Funk
Set 2: A New Africa, One for Brother Mike, Elmer's Revenge, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Moon People, Hillbillies On PCP
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass, Jim Kost - keyboards.
Kevin Umberger
This show has an average rating of 4.70 out of 30 votes.
04/30/04 (Fri)
Crystal Ballroom - Portland,
Set 1: High and Lonesome, Bad Hair, Weapons of Moose Destruction, One For Brother Mike, Drums, Sabertooth, Tongue 'N' Groove
Set 2: Bouncer, You're the One, Malichi, Electric Wildlife, Life of the Party, Drums, Avalon, E: Thing One
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass, Jim Kost - keyboards.
Alden Anderson
This show has an average rating of 4.51 out of 37 votes.
05/02/04 (Sun)
Mystic Theater - Petaluma,
Set 1: High and Lonesome, Ice Cream Factory, The Fakers Luck, One For Brother Mike, Long Form Part 4, Tongue 'n' Groove
Set 2: Thing One, Elmer's Revenge (1), Malichi, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Hillbillies On PCP
Comment: (1) with Julian Lage on guitar.
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass, Jim Kost - keyboards.
Simon Friedman, Charlie Miller
This show has an average rating of 4.22 out of 18 votes.
05/07/04 (Fri)
Great American Music Hall - San Francisco,
Set 1: Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, The Faker's Luck, Sabertooth, Malichi, Tongue 'n' Groove
Set 2: Electric Wildlife, Thing One, One For Brother Mike, Elmer's Revenge, Weapons of Moose Destruction, It's Up To You, E: Little Wing
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass, Jim Kost - keyboards.
Simon Friedman
This show has an average rating of 4.85 out of 40 votes.
05/09/04 (Sun)
Belly Up Tavern - Solana Beach,
Set 1: High & Lonesome, Ice Cream Factory, Bouncer, One for Brother Mike, Elmer's Revenge, Tongue 'N' Groove
Set 2: Weapons of Moose Destruction, The Faker's Luck, Sabertooth, Thing One, Baby Baby, Malichi, E: You're The One
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass, Jim Kost - keyboards.
Arielle Phares
This show has an average rating of 4.38 out of 13 votes.
05/11/04 (Tue)
Orpheum Theater - Flagstaff,
Set 1: Cole's Law, Tangled Hangers, Electric Wildlife, Thing One, Dr. Zaius, Tongue 'n' Groove
Set 2: Malichi, The Faker's Luck, drums > Elmer's Revenge, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Avalon
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass, Jim Kost - keyboards.
Jay Parmer
This show has an average rating of 4.52 out of 25 votes.
05/13/04 (Thu)
Fox Theatre - Denver,
Set 1: Thing One, The Faker's Luck, Long Form Part 1, Life of the Party, Moon People, Malichi
Set 2: You're The One, Ice Cream Factory, Weapons of Moose Destruction, Elmer's Revenge, One for Brother Mike, Tongue 'n' Groove
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass, Jim Kost - keyboards.
David Tracer
This show has an average rating of 4.20 out of 15 votes.
05/16/04 (Sun)
State Bridge Lodge - Bond,
Set 1: Cole's Law, Tangled Hangers, A New Africa, Thing One, Tongue 'n' Groove
Set 2: Malachi, The Faker's Luck, You're The One, Five B4 Funk, Hillbillies On PCP, E: Bronx Experiment
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass, Jim Kost - keyboards.
Chris Borne
This show has an average rating of 4.45 out of 20 votes.
05/25/04 (Tue)
Big Cat - Osaka,
Set 1: Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Thing One, Malichi, Tongue 'N' Groove
Set 2: High & Lonesome, Electric Wildlife, Elmer's Revenge, Weapons of Moose Destruction, drum solo > Avalon
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass.
Arielle Phares, Masayasu Koga
This show has an average rating of 3.89 out of 9 votes.
05/29/04 (Sat)
Bay Hall - Yokohama,
Set 1: Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Dr. Zaius, Thing One, Five B4 Funk
Set 2: Tongue 'N' Groove, Sabretooth, Elmer's Revenge, Malichi, Avalon, E: Little Wing
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass.
Arielle Phares
This show has an average rating of 4.54 out of 13 votes.
06/18/04 (Fri)
Opera House - Toronto,
Ontario, Canada
Set 1: Tangled Hangers, Weapons of Moose Destruction, Elmer's Revenge, Thing One, Tongue 'n' Groove
Set 2: High & Lonesome, Dr. Zaius, The Fakers Luck, Bad Hair, Malichi, Avalon
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass, Jim Kost - keyboards.
skb archives
This show has an average rating of 3.88 out of 8 votes.
07/15/04 (Thu)
Bowery Ballroom - New York City,
Set 1: Thing One, Yabba Dabba Do, Elmer's Revenge, A New Africa, One For Brother Mike, Malichi
Set 2: It's Up To You, Weapons Of Moose Destruction, Bouncer, Tongue 'n' Groove, Hillbillies On PCP
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass, Jim Kost - keyboards.
This show has an average rating of 4.33 out of 15 votes.
07/17/04 (Sat)
Gathering of the Vibes @ Indian Lookout Country Club - Mariaville,
Set 1: Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Thing One, Tongue 'n' Groove, Malichi, Dr. Zaius, Avalon
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass, Jim Kost - keyboards.
This show has an average rating of 4.08 out of 13 votes.
07/22/04 (Thu)
Funk Box - Baltimore,
Set 1: Ice Cream, Kissing the Boo Boo, Dr. Zaius, Baby Baby, One For Brother Mike, Malichi
Set 2: You're the One, Thing One, Weapons of Moose Destruction, Long Form Part One, Better Get It In Your Soul, E: Bouncer
skb archives
This show has an average rating of 4.60 out of 10 votes.
07/24/04 (Sat)
Variety Playhouse - Atlanta,
Set 1: Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Electric Wildlife, Elmer's Revenge, Why Can't We All Just Samba?, Thing One > Dr. Zaius, Tongue 'n' Groove
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass, Jim Kost - keyboards.
skb archives
This show has an average rating of 4.18 out of 11 votes.
07/30/04 (Fri)
Baja Bash @ La Jolla Indian Reservation - La Jolla,
Set 1: A New Africa, Thing One, Malichi, Weapons Of Moose Destruction, Elmer's Revenge, Baby Baby (1), Tangled Hangers (1), Tongue 'n' Groove (1), Merle's Boogie (1)
Comment: (1) with Martin fierro on saxophone
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass, Jim Kost - keyboards.
skb archives
This show has an average rating of 4.29 out of 7 votes.
08/21/04 (Sat)
Woodstock Reunion @ Yasgur's Farm - Bethel,
Set 1: High And Lonesome, A New Africa, It's Up To You, Electric Wildlife, Thing One, Dr. Zaius, Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Malichi, Five B4 Funk, Jam > Tongue 'n' Groove
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass
skb archives
This show has an average rating of 4.60 out of 10 votes.
09/11/04 (Sat)
Trinity County Fairgrounds - Hayfork,
Set 1: Thing One, A New Africa, Incantation, Tangled Hangers (1), Elmer's Revenge (1), Weapons Of Moose Destruction (1), You're The One (1), Malichi (1), Tongue 'n' Groove (1)
Comment: (1) Martin Fierro - saxophoneaphone.
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass
skb archives
This show has an average rating of 4.56 out of 9 votes.
09/26/04 (Sun)
Black Orchid Supper Club - Chicago,
Set 1: One For Brother Mike, Mr. Potato Head, While We Wait, Long Form Part 4, Malachi
Set 2: Eudemon, Thing One, Moon People, Many Rivers To Cross, Arf She Cried, Tongue 'n' Groove
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass.
skb archives
This show has an average rating of 4.42 out of 19 votes.
09/30/04 (Thu)
Blueberry Hill - St. Louis,
Set 1: Cole's Law, A New Africa, Why Can't We All Just Samba?, Malichi, You're The One
Set 2: Thing One, Dr. Zaius, Elmer's Revenge, Eudemon, Five B4 Funk, Avalon
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass.
skb archives
This show has an average rating of 4.67 out of 9 votes.
10/01/04 (Fri)
Madison Theater - Covington,
Set 1: Ice Cream, Electric Wildlife, Severe Tire Damage > Incantation, Thing One
Set 2: Five B4 Funk, Weapons Of Moose Destruction, Dr. Zaius, Bouncer, Tongue 'n Groove
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass.
skb archives
This show has an average rating of 4.65 out of 17 votes.
11/05/04 (Fri)
Trocadero Theatre - Philadelphia,
Set 1: High & Lonesome, Kissin' The Boo Boo, Dr. Zaius, Weapons Of Moose Destruction, Malichi, Five B4 Funk
Set 2: Thing One, Elmer's Revenge, Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Avalon
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass.
skb archives
This show has an average rating of 4.00 out of 5 votes.
11/07/04 (Sun)
Starr Hill Music Hall - Charlottesville,
Set 1: Weapons Of Moose Destruction, High & Lonesome, Dr. Zaius, A New Africa, Elmer's Revenge, Thing One
Set 2: One For Brother Mike, The Fakers Luck, Eudemon, Arf She Cried, Incantation, Hillbillies
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass.
skb archives
This show has an average rating of 4.75 out of 8 votes.
11/12/04 (Fri)
Visulite Theatre - Charlotte,
Set 1: One For Brother Mike, Long Form Part 1, Yabba Dabba Do, Five B4 Funk, Thing One, Malichi
Set 2: Bouncer, Weapons Of Moose Destruction, Tangled Hangers, Drums > Moon People, Long Form Part 4, Tongue 'n' Groove
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass.
skb archives
This show has an average rating of 4.62 out of 13 votes.
11/20/04 (Sat)
Bowery Ballroom - New York City,
Set 1: High & Lonesome, A New Africa, Dr. Zaius, One For Brother Mike, Tangled Hangers (1), Tongue 'n' Groove (1)
Set 2: You're The One (1), Thing One (1), Elmer's Revenge, Exit The Dragon, Five B4 Funk
Comment: (1) With Peter Apfelbaum on saxophone
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass.
skb archives
This show has an average rating of 4.45 out of 11 votes.
12/09/04 (Thu)
Mystic Theater - Petaluma,
Set 1: High & Lonesome, Thing One, Malichi, Drums > Weapons Of Moose Destruction, Dr. Zaius, Tongue 'n' Groove (1)
Set 2: Eudemon (1), Cole's Law (1) > Tangled Hangers (1), Sun Sun Sun (1)
Comment: (1) With Martin Fierro on saxophone
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass.
skb archives
This show has an average rating of 4.67 out of 24 votes.
12/11/04 (Sat)
Catalyst - Santa Cruz,
Set 1: Bad Hair, Electric Wildlife, Why Can't We All Just Samba?, Elmer's Revenge, Bouncer, Malichi
Set 2: Thing One, Long Form Part 1, Arf She Cried, One For Brother Mike, In Reply > Hillbillies on PCP
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass.
skb archives
This show has an average rating of 3.95 out of 22 votes.
12/29/04 (Wed)
Great American Music Hall - San Francisco,
Set 1: Eudemon, Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, One For Brother Mike, Papago, Tongue 'n' Groove
Set 2: A New Africa, Thing One, Incantation, My Favorite Things > Stella Blue, Dr. Zaius, Little Wing
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass.
Kevin Umberger
This show has an average rating of 4.63 out of 49 votes.
12/30/04 (Thu)
Six Rivers Brewing Company - McKinleyville,
Set 1: You're The One, The Fakers Luck, Electric Wildlife, Long Form part 1, Arf She Cried, Malichi
Set 2: Thing One, Papago, Elmer's Revenge, Dr. Zaius, Moon People, Tongue 'n' Groove
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass.
Kem Smith
This show has an average rating of 4.00 out of 6 votes.
01/04/05 (Tue)
Sheridan Opera House - Mountain Village,
Set 1: Ice Cream, Electric Wildlife, Weapons Of Moose Destruction, The Faker's Luck, Malachi, Five B4 Funk
Set 2: You're The One, Thing One, Dr. Zaius, One For Brother Mike, Elmer's Revenge, Papago, Tongue 'n' Groove
Chris P Borne
This show has an average rating of 3.64 out of 11 votes.
01/05/05 (Wed)
8150 Club - Vail,
Set 1: High & Lonesome, A New Africa, Bouncer, Why Can't We All Just Samba, drums > Hillbillies on PCP
Set 2: Thing One, Incantation, Arf She Cried, Elmer's Revenge, Better Get Hit in Your Soul, Tongue 'n' Groove
David Tracer
This show has an average rating of 4.94 out of 17 votes.
01/07/05 (Fri)
32 Bleu - Colorado Springs,
Set 1: High & Lonesome, Weapons of Moose Destruction, Dr. Zaius, Cole's Law, Malichi
Set 2: You're The One, Severe Tire Damage, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Papago, Thing One
David Tracer
This show has an average rating of 4.78 out of 9 votes.
01/08/05 (Sat)
Gothic Theatre - Englewood,
Set 1: Cole's Law > space > Tangled Hangers, Storm Crow, Bouncer, The Faker's Luck, Kissing The Boo Boo
Set 2: Bad Hair, Electric Wildlife, Eudemon, Long Form Part 1, Thing One, Tongue 'n' Groove
Kevin Umberger
This show has an average rating of 4.07 out of 14 votes.
01/29/05 (Sat)
Middle East - Cambridge,
Set 1: Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Many Rivers To Cross, Thing One, Malichi
Set 2: It's Up To You, While We Wait, Elmer's Revenge, Long Form Part 4, Tongue 'n' Groove
skb archives
This show has an average rating of 4.57 out of 28 votes.
01/31/05 (Mon)
B.B. King Blues Club - New York City,
Set 1: A New Africa, Thing One, Dr. Zaius, One For Brother Mike, Sabertooth, Tongue 'n' Groove
Comment: Benefit for Tsunami Relief
Rob Zavell Corrections: SKB Archives
This show has an average rating of 5.00 out of 5 votes.
02/11/05 (Fri)
Culture Room - Fort Lauderdale,
Set 1: Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Weapons Of Moose Destruction, Exit The Dragon, One For Brother Mike, Malichi
Set 2: Arf She Cried, Thing One, Incantation, Electric Wildlife, Why Can't We All Just Samba?, Avalon
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass.
skb archives
This show has an average rating of 4.50 out of 6 votes.
02/13/05 (Sun)
Freebird Cafe - Jacksonville Beach,
Set 1: High & Lonesome, Papago, Weapons Of Moose Destruction, Bad Hair, While We Wait, Drums > Malichi
Set 2: One For Brother Mike, Dr. Zaius, Elmer's Revenge, Exit The Dragon, Thing One, Tongue 'n' Groove
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass.
skb archives
This show has an average rating of 4.80 out of 5 votes.
03/05/05 (Sat)
Higher Ground - South Burlington,
Set 1: Eudemon, Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, A New Africa, Weapons Of Moose Destruction, One For Brother Mike
Set 2: It's Up To You, Thing One, You're The One, Many Rivers To Cross, Dr. Zaius, Tongue 'n' Groove
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass.
skb archives
This show has an average rating of 4.72 out of 29 votes.
04/24/05 (Sun)
Port O' Call - Salt Lake City,
Set 1: High & Lonesome, Nana's Chalk Pipe, Baby Baby, While We Wait > Dr. Zaius, Malachi
Set 2: Arf She Cried, One for Brother Mike, Cowboy, Elmer's Revenge, Thing One, Tongue 'n' Groove
Kevin Umberger
This show has an average rating of 4.33 out of 6 votes.
04/29/05 (Fri)
The Nightlight - Bellingham,
Set 1: Ice Cream, Baby Baby, Thing One, Incantation, Weapons Of Moose Destruction, Better Git It In Your Soul
Set 2: Tangled Hangers, One For Brother Mike, Nana's Chalk Pipe, Stella Blue, Five B4 Funk
Kevin Umberger
This show has an average rating of 4.22 out of 18 votes.
04/30/05 (Sat)
The Grove - Bend,
Set 1: High & Lonesome, Long Form Part 1, A New Africa, Eudemon, Dr. Zaius, One For Brother Mike
Set 2: You're The One, Cole's Law > Elmer's Revenge, Thing One, Bouncer, Tongue 'n' Groove
This show has an average rating of 4.71 out of 38 votes.
05/08/05 (Sun)
Crystal Bay Club - The Crown Room - Crystal Bay,
Set 1: Steel Guitar Rag, Thing One, Dr. Zaius, Why Can't We All Just Samba?, Footprints, 5b4 Funk
Set 2: Le Petite Groove > The Bronx Experiment, Bouncer, Bad Hair, Arf She Cried, Avalon
skb archives
This show has an average rating of 4.29 out of 14 votes.
06/04/05 (Sat)
Funk Box - Baltimore,
Set 1: High & Lonesome, Weapons Of Moose Destruction, Cole's Law > The Bronx Experiment, Many Rivers To Cross, Malichi
Set 2: You're The One, Life Of The Party, Incantation, Thing One, Tongue 'n' Groove
skb archives
This show has an average rating of 4.50 out of 14 votes.
06/18/05 (Sat)
Revolution Hall - Troy,
Set 1: Ice Cream, Many Rivers To Cross, Electric Wildlife, Baby Baby, Elmer's Revenge, Hillbillies
Set 2: Thing One, Yabba Dabba Do, The Bronx Experiment, Nana's Chalk Pipe, Five B4 Funk, Tongue 'n' Groove
skb archives
This show has an average rating of 4.31 out of 16 votes.
07/02/05 (Sat)
High Sierra Music Festival @ Plumas-Sierra County Fairgrounds (Funk'n Jam House) - Quincy,
Set 1: A New Africa, Weapons Of Moose Destruction, Elmer's Revenge, Thing One, Cole's Law > Tangled Hnagers
Set 2: It's Up To You, You're The One (1), Dr. Zaius, Five B4 Fun
Comment: (1) With Jessica Lurie On saxophoneaphone.
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Steve Lucas - bass.
This show has an average rating of 4.86 out of 14 votes.
08/11/05 (Thu)
Fluid Lounge - Nelson,
BC, Canada
Set 1: Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Weapons Of Moose Destruction, Hover, In Reply, Dr. Zaius
Set 2: Ice Cream Factory, Twinstar, One For Brother Mike, Arf She Cried, Papago, Thing One, Malichi
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitars, Reed Mathis - bass, and Mookie Siegel - keyboards.
This show has an average rating of 4.35 out of 20 votes.
08/13/05 (Sat)
North Rocky Mountain Music Festival @ - Whitefish,
Set 1: Thing One, Hover, One For Brother Mike, Elmer's Revenge, Dr. Zaius
Set 2: It's Up To You, Weapons Of Moose Destruction, Malichi
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitars, Reed Mathis - bass, and Mookie Siegel - keyboards.
This show has an average rating of 3.94 out of 16 votes.
08/16/05 (Tue)
Whiskey Jacques - Ketchum,
Set 1: High & Lonesome, Electric Wildlife, A New Africa, Thing One, Long Form Part 1, Hillbillies On PCP
Set 2: Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, One For Brother Mike, Malichi, Tongue 'n' Groove
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitars, Reed Mathis - bass, and Mookie Siegel - keyboards.
This show has an average rating of 4.00 out of 8 votes.
08/19/05 (Fri)
Belly Up - Aspen,
Set 1: Ice Cream Factory, Hover, Baby Baby, The Faker's Luck, Weapons Of Moose Destruction, Malichi
Set 2: It's Up To You, A New Africa, Thing One, Twinstar, The Bronx Experiment, One For Brother Mike
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitars, Reed Mathis - bass, and Mookie Siegel - keyboards.
This show has an average rating of 3.75 out of 16 votes.
08/20/05 (Sat)
State Bridge Lodge - Bond,
Set 1: High & Lonesome, Green, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Papago, Elmer's Revenge, Bouncer
Set 2: Five B4 Funk, Electric Wildlife, Many Rivers To Cross, Dr. Zaius, Thing One, Tongue 'n' Groove
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitars, Reed Mathis - bass, and Mookie Siegel - keyboards.
Kevin Umberger
This show has an average rating of 3.53 out of 15 votes.
08/26/05 (Fri)
Evolve Festival @ - Antigonish,
Nova Scotia, Canada
Set 1: Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Thing One, Elmer's Revenge, Bronx Experiment, One For Brother Mike, Dr. Zaius, Five B4 Funk, E: Bouncer
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitars, Reed Mathis - bass, And Mookie Siegel - Keyboards.
Kevin Umberger
This show has an average rating of 3.00 out of 7 votes.
09/10/05 (Sat)
Charlie & Kimmi Ayer's Wedding @ B. R. Cohn Winery - Glen Ellen,
Set 1: Anorexia (1), Green Onions (1), Cissy Strut (1), Soul Dressing
Set 2: You're The One, Thing One (2), Glad (2), Nana's Chalk Pipe (2), Dr. Zaius
Set 3: improv jam, Eudemon, Kissing The Boo Boo (2), Chance In A Million (2)
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Reed Mathis - bass, and Robert Walter - keyboards (1) with John Morgan Kimock and without Rodney Holmes (2) with Martin Fierro.
Dana L. Hanaman
This show has an average rating of 2.67 out of 6 votes.
09/24/05 (Sat)
Coach House - San Juan Capistrano,
Set 1: High & Lonesome, While We Wait, Bad Hair, Papago, Hover, Thing One
Set 2: Glad > Drums > Elmer's Revenge, Twin Star, Severe Tire Damage, Incantation, Dr. Zaius
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Reed Mathis - bass, and Robert Walter - keyboards.
Dustin Kelly
This show has an average rating of 3.82 out of 22 votes.
10/01/05 (Sat)
Granada Theater - Dallas,
Set 1: High & Lonesome, Eudemon, Glad > Twinstar, The Bronx Experiment, Thing One
Set 2: Cissy Strut, Elmer's Revenge, Kicking Up Dust, Malichi, Long Form Part 1, Hillbillies
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Reed Mathis - bass, And Robert Walter - Keyboards.
This show has an average rating of 4.12 out of 26 votes.
10/04/05 (Tue)
Granada Theatre - Lawrence,
Set 1: Why Can't We All Just Samba, Electric Wildlife, Cowboy, Elmer's Revenge, Cabrillo, Thing One
Set 2: You're The One, Nana's Chalk Pipe, Glad > Twinstar, Dr. Zaius, One For Brother Mike
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Reed Mathis - bass, and Robert Walter - keyboards.
This show has an average rating of 3.81 out of 27 votes.
10/06/05 (Thu)
George's Majestic Lounge - Fayetteville,
Set 1: Steel Guitar Rag, Thing One, Green, Electric Wildlife, Baby Baby (1), Rigor Mortis (1), Tongue 'n' Groove (1)
Set 2: A New Africa, Bouncer (1), Bronx Experiment, Glad (1), Dr. Zaius, Eudemon (1), E: Kickin' Up Dust (1)
Comment: (1) with Martin Fierro
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Reed Mathis - bass, And Robert Walter - Keyboards.
This show has an average rating of 2.20 out of 10 votes.
10/07/05 (Fri)
Mississippi Nights - St. Louis,
Set 1: Long Form Part I, Ice Cream Factory, Cissy Strut, Elmer's Revenge, Kissing the Boo Boo, Avalon
Set 2: Why Can't We All Just Samba, Thing One, Many Rivers, Kicking Up Dust, One For Brother Mike
Dustin Kelly
This show has an average rating of 3.07 out of 15 votes.
10/09/05 (Sun)
Magic Bag - Ferndale,
Set 1: A New Africa, Wild Life, Thing One, Twin Star, Improv with Maruga, Elmer's Revenge, Moon People > Bronx Experiment, Kicking Up Dust, Tongue 'N' Groove
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Reed Mathis - bass, and Robert Walter - keyboards.
Tony Merlo, Tina Spurlock
This show has an average rating of 3.75 out of 28 votes.
10/19/05 (Wed)
Jewish Mother - Virginia Beach,
Set 1: Eudemon, Ice Cream Factory, The Bronx Experiment, Cissy Strut, One For Brother Mike
Set 2: Thing One, Baby I Love you, Elmer's Revenge, Kickin' Up Dust, Dr. Zaius, Tongue 'n' Groove
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Reed Mathis - bass, and Robert Walter - keyboards.
Tom Bowie
This show has an average rating of 3.46 out of 13 votes.
10/21/05 (Fri)
State Theatre - Falls Church,
Set 1: A New Africa, Pungee, Severe Tire Damage, Long Form Part One, Thing One, Dr. Zauis
Set 2: You're the One, Elmer's Revenge, Bronx Experiment, Malachi, One For Brother Mike
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Reed Mathis - bass, and Robert Walter - keyboards.
Dustin Kelly
This show has an average rating of 3.91 out of 22 votes.
10/23/05 (Sun)
8x10 Club - Baltimore,
Set 1: Electic Wildlife, Cowboy, Incantation, Twinstar, Kissing The Boo Boo, Dr. Zauis, One for Brother Mike
Set 2: Kicking Up Dust, Nana's Chalk Pipe, Spirits in the Material World, Funky Miracle, Many Rivers To Cross, Aquafresh, Thing One
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Reed Mathis - bass, and Robert Walter - keyboards.
Kevin Umberger
This show has an average rating of 3.50 out of 14 votes.
10/27/05 (Thu)
Stone Church - Newmarket,
Set 1: High and Lonesome, While we wait, A New Africa, Point of No Return, Funky Miracle, Malichi
Set 2: Thing One, Merle's Boogie, Electric Wildlife, Kickin' Up Dust, One For Brother Mike, Five B4 Funk, E: Hillbillies
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Reed Mathis - bass, and Robert Walter - keyboards.
Jim Van Houten, Kevin Umberger
This show has an average rating of 3.08 out of 13 votes.
10/29/05 (Sat)
The Paradise - Boston,
Set 1: Thing One, Malichi, While We Wait, The Bronx Experiment, Aquafresh, Hillbillies On PCP
Set 2: Electric Wildlife, Cowboy, Long Form Part 1, Kickin' Up Dust, Dr. Zaius, Tongue 'n' Groove
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Reed Mathis - bass, and Robert Walter - keyboards.
Kevin Umberger
This show has an average rating of 4.50 out of 20 votes.
10/31/05 (Mon)
Mexicali Blues - Teaneck,
Set 1: Thing One, Hover > You're the One, Five B4 Funk, Spirits in the Material World, Bronx Experiment, Tom Sawyer
Set 2: Hillbillies on PCP, Kickin' Up Dust, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Ice Cream Factory, Dr. Zaius, Little Wing
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Reed Mathis - bass, and Robert Walter - keyboards.
Kevin Umberger
This show has an average rating of 3.43 out of 21 votes.
11/26/05 (Sat)
Bowery Ballroom - New York City,
Set 1: Thing One, Electric Wildlife, Ice Cream, While We Wait, Kickin' Up Dust, Dr. Zaius
Set 2: A New Africa, Elmer's Revenge, Hillbillies, The Bronx Experiment, Why Can't We All Just Samba?
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Reed Mathis - bass, and Robert Walter - keyboards.
skb archives
This show has an average rating of 2.58 out of 24 votes.
12/08/05 (Thu)
Aggie Theatre - Fort Collins,
Set 1: Long Form Part 1, Thing One, Hover, Papago, Dr. Zaius, Kickin' Up Dust
Set 2: Five B4 Funk, Cissy Strut, Electric Wildlife, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Malichi, Avalon
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Reed Mathis - bass, and Robert Walter - keyboards.
Kevin Umberger, David Tracer
This show has an average rating of 2.16 out of 49 votes.
12/15/05 (Thu)
Showbox at the Market - Seattle,
Set 1: High & Lonesome, Electric Wildlife, Baby Baby, Bronx Experiment, Thing One (2), Why Can't We All Just Samba (2)
Set 2: Funky Miracle (1), Severe Tire Damage (1), Incantation, Medicine Music, You're the One (1), Kickin' Up Dust, Five B4 Funk
Comment: (1) with Susan Tedeschi-Trucks (2) with Ed Degenaro
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Reed Mathis - bass, and Robert Walter - keyboards.
Kevin Umberger
This show has an average rating of 2.30 out of 61 votes.
12/17/05 (Sat)
WOW Hall - Eugene,
Set 1: Bad Hair, Electric Wildlife, Long Form part 1, Funky Miracle, While We Wait, Malichi
Set 2: Green, Ice Cream, Thing One, Medicine Music, Dr. Zauis, Tongue 'N' Groove
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Reed Mathis - bass, and Robert Walter - keyboards.
Alden Anderson
This show has an average rating of 2.59 out of 74 votes.
12/31/05 (Sat)
Great American Music Hall - San Francisco,
Set 1: Bad Hair, Small Axe, Kickin' Up Dust, Cole's Law (1) > Tangled Hangers (1), One For Brother Mike
Set 2: Midnight Madness > Auld Lang Syne, Funky Miracle, In Memory Of Elizabeth Reed, In Time, You're The One (1), Thing One, Stella Blue, Hillbillies On PCP
Comment: (1) with martin fierro
Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Reed Mathis - bass, and Robert Walter - keyboards.
This show has an average rating of 2.26 out of 68 votes.
01/07/06 (Sat)
Jam Cruise @ Broadway Theatre - MSC Lirica,
Atlantic Ocean
Set 1: High & Lonesome, Wildlife, Ice Cream Factory, Twinstar, Kickin' Up the Dust, Elmer's Revenge, Thing One, Dr. Zauis, Five B4 Funk
Comment: Jamcruise. One week cruise leaving from Ft. Lauderdale and visits Jamaica, Grand Cayman Islands and Cozumel.
Kevin Umberger
This show has an average rating of 2.30 out of 33 votes.
01/13/06 (Fri)
Culture Room - Fort Lauderdale,
Set 1: Long Form Part 1, Electric Wildlife, Bad Hair, You're The One, Elmer's Revenge, Kicking Up The Dust
Set 2: Dr. Zaius, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Nana's Chalkpipe, Thing One, Glad > Avalon
Kevin Umberger
This show has an average rating of 2.29 out of 35 votes.
01/18/06 (Wed)
Melting Point - Athens,
Set 1: High and Lonesome, Electric Wildlife, Thing One, Cole's Law, Tangled Hangers, Malichi
Set 2: One For Brother Mike, Spirits in the Material World, Medicine Music, Kickin' Up Dust, Five B4 Funk, Dr. Zaius
Kevin Umberger
This show has an average rating of 2.26 out of 19 votes.
01/22/06 (Sun)
Cat's Cradle - Carrboro,
Set 1: Long Form Part 1, Nana's Chalk Pipe, Incantation, In Time, Vernal Equinox, Thing One
Set 2: It's Up To You, Kissing The Boo Boo, Dr. Zaius, Cole's Law > Adelita, One For Brother Mike
Kevin Umberger
This show has an average rating of 3.51 out of 45 votes.
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