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Your Search for Steve Kimock Band returned 33 shows
containing your keyword Many Rivers To Cross from All Sets
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04/02/00 (Sun)  Chester's Place - Fayetteville, AR
Set 1: Point Of No Return, You're The One, (Untitled), Baby Baby (1), Many Rivers To Cross (1), Five B4 Funk (1)

Set 2: Footprints, A New Africa, Rocco, Stella Blue, Hillbillies On PCP (1), My Favorite Things (1), E: Poonk > Cissy Strut

Comment: (1) with Earl Cate.

Source: Alan Stecher

This show has an average rating of 4.80 out of 5 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

10/27/00 (Fri)  The Resort at the Mountain - Welches, OR
Set 1: Kissing The Boo Boo, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Teeny Weeny Bit, Point Of No Return, Our Love Is Drifting, Pete's Blues, Young Man Blues

Set 2: Impressionist Two-Step, It's Up To You, Steel Guitar Rag, Wild About My Lovin', Tangled Hangers, Many Rivers To Cross, Riding With The King

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Bobby Vega - bass, Pete Sears - keyboards, Banana - rhythm guitar & vocals, and Prarie Prince - drums

Source: Alden Anderson

This show has an average rating of 4.00 out of 5 votes.

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12/01/00 (Fri)  Wetlands Preserve - Manhattan, NY
Set 1: Bad Hair, A New Africa, Ludicrisp, Drums > Many Rivers to Cross, Ice Cream Factory, Whack

Set 2: It's Up to You, Surfin' > Footprints > Tom's Tune > Hillbillies On PCP, Severe Tire Damage > Mr. Potato Head > Poonk > Cissy Strut > Poonk, You're The One

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Bobby Vega - bass, Tom Coster - keyboards, Rodney Holmes - drums

Source: Ben Greenfield and Steven Levitan. Corrections: Simin Friedman

This show has an average rating of 4.55 out of 20 votes.

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12/12/00 (Tue)  Cafe Tomo - Arcata, CA
Set 1: Baby Baby, Bad Hair, Tongue 'n' Groove, A New Africa, Surfin', Poonk > Cissy Strut > Poonk, Ludicrisp

Set 2: Many Rivers to Cross, Ice Cream Factory, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Point Of No Return, You're The One, It's Up to You

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Bobby Vega - bass, Tom Coster - keyboards, Rodney Holmes - drums

Source: Doug Lantelme

This show has an average rating of 5.00 out of 7 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

12/28/00 (Thu)  Great American Music Hall - San Francisco, CA
Set 1: It's Up To You, Rainbow's Cadillac, Mr. Potato Head, Many Rivers To Cross, Area Code Song (1), Bass > Hillbillies On PCP

Set 2: Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Theme For An Imaginary TV Show (1), Moon People, Tongue 'n' Groove, You're The One

Comment: (1) First time played

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Bobby Vega - bass, Tom Coster - keyboards, Rodney Holmes - drums.

Source: Simon Friedman

This show has an average rating of 4.91 out of 11 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

04/13/01 (Fri)  Great American Music Hall - San Francisco, CA
Set 1: A New Africa, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Moon People, Point of No Return, Rocco, Hillbillies on PCP

Set 2: Bad Hair, Poonk > Cissy Strut > Poonk, Tongue 'n' Groove, 54-46 Was My Number, It's Up to You, Rudson's Roaches, Many Rivers to Cross

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Bobby Vega - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar.

Source: Robert Wagner and the band via Doug Greene

This show has an average rating of 5.00 out of 7 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

04/21/01 (Sat)  Sancho's Broken Arrow - Denver, CO
Set 1: Kissing The Boo Boo, Rudson's Roaches, Moon People, Mr. Potato Head, Many Rivers to Cross, Rainbow's Cadillac

Set 2: It's Up to You, 54-46 Was My Number, Poonk > Express Yourself > Poonk, Tangled Hangers, Tongue 'n' Groove, Avalon

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Bobby Vega - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar

Source: David P Tracer

This show has an average rating of 5.00 out of 9 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

11/08/01 (Thu)  Club Laga - Pittsburgh, PA
Set 1: Cole's Law, Tangled Hangers, Baby Baby, Elmer's Revenge, Sabertooth, Drums > Why Can't We All Just Samba

Set 2: Bad Hair, Long Form part 1, Drums > Moon People, Many Rivers to Cross, Avalon

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Richard Hammond - bass.

Source: John & Marianne Kline

This show has an average rating of 4.13 out of 8 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

03/23/03 (Sun)  Chester's Place - Fayetteville, AR
Set 1: SK solo improv, Le Petite Groove, Ground Hog, Arf She Cried, Mr. Potato Head, Hillbillies on PCP

Set 2: Bronx Experiment, Many Rivers to Cross, Cowboy, "Acoustic" Wildlife, Steel Guitar Rag (1), Can't My Way Home (1), Five B4 Funk (1), Stella Blue, E: God Bless America (2)

Comment: (1) with Steve Pyror
(2) SK solo on baritone ukelele

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - acoustic guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.

Source: Daniel Gold, Alan Dorchak, Dana Hanaman

This show has an average rating of 5.00 out of 16 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

03/28/03 (Fri)  Luther's Blues - Madison, WI
Set 1: It's Up to You, Long Form Part Four, Many Rivers To Cross, Bronx Experiment, Rainbow's Cadillac, Thing One

Set 2: You're The One, Electric Wildlife, A New Africa, Elmer's Revenge, Moon People, Avalon

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.

Source: Kevin Umberger, Dan Nelson, Spencer Jones

This show has an average rating of 4.76 out of 25 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

04/19/03 (Sat)  Midtown Ballroom - Bend, OR
Set 1: Kissing the Boo Boo, Life of the Party, Mr. Potato Head, Sabertooth, Many Rivers to Cross, Long Form Part 4

Set 2: A New Africa, Severe Tire Damage, Thing One, drums > Elmer's Revenge, Arf She Cried, Why Can't We All Just Samba, E: Sleepwalk

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.

Source: Alan Dorchak

This show has an average rating of 4.55 out of 20 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

09/26/04 (Sun)  Black Orchid Supper Club - Chicago, IL
Set 1: One For Brother Mike, Mr. Potato Head, While We Wait, Long Form Part 4, Malachi

Set 2: Eudemon, Thing One, Moon People, Many Rivers To Cross, Arf She Cried, Tongue 'n' Groove

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass.

Source: skb archives

This show has an average rating of 4.42 out of 19 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

11/13/04 (Sat)  Arts Centre - Carrboro, NC
Set 1: High and Lonesome, The Faker's Luck, Storm Crow, Many Rivers To Cross, Dr. Zaius, It's Up To You, Tongue 'n' Groove

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass.

This show has an average rating of 4.67 out of 9 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

11/14/04 (Sun)  Orange Peel - Asheville, NC
Set 1: Ice Cream, Weapons Of Moose Destruction, Green, Exit The Dragon, Many Rivers To Cross, The Bronx Experiment

Set 2: Point Of No Return, Why Can't We All Just Samba?, Elmer's Revenge, Malichi, Hillbillies, Little Wing

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass.

Source: skb archives

This show has an average rating of 4.62 out of 26 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

12/10/04 (Fri)  American Legion Hall - Redwood City, CA
Set 1: A New Africa, The Faker's Luck, Malichi, Ice Cream Factory, You're The One, Tongue 'n' Groove

Set 2: It's Up To You, Anorexia (1), Dr. Zaius, Many Rivers To Cross (1), Merle's Boogie (1), Stella Blue

Comment: (1) with Martin Fierro.

This show has an average rating of 4.64 out of 11 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

01/06/05 (Thu)  Fox Theatre - Boulder, CO
Set 1: It's Up To You, Weapons Of Moose Destruction, One For Brother Mike, Dr. Zaius, In Reply > Malichi

Set 2: Long Form part 1, Long Form part 4, Many Rivers To Cross, Incantation, Moon People, Tongue 'n' Groove, E: Five B/4 Funk

Source: Kevin Umberger, David Tracer

This show has an average rating of 4.74 out of 23 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

01/29/05 (Sat)  Middle East - Cambridge, MA
Set 1: Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Many Rivers To Cross, Thing One, Malichi

Set 2: It's Up To You, While We Wait, Elmer's Revenge, Long Form Part 4, Tongue 'n' Groove

Source: skb archives

This show has an average rating of 4.57 out of 28 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

02/12/05 (Sat)  Culture Room - Fort Lauderdale, FL
Set 1: Ice Cream, The Fakers Luck, Bouncer, The Sun Is Falling, Dr. Zaius, Hillbillies

Set 2: A New Africa, Long Form Part 1, Five B4 Funk, Many Rivers To Cross, Moon People, Tongue 'n' Groove

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass.

Source: skb archives

This show has an average rating of 5.00 out of 9 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

03/05/05 (Sat)  Higher Ground - South Burlington, VT
Set 1: Eudemon, Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, A New Africa, Weapons Of Moose Destruction, One For Brother Mike

Set 2: It's Up To You, Thing One, You're The One, Many Rivers To Cross, Dr. Zaius, Tongue 'n' Groove

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass.

Source: skb archives

This show has an average rating of 4.72 out of 29 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

04/28/05 (Thu)  Richards on Richards - Vancouver, BC, Canada
Set 1: High & Lonesome, Bad Hair, Exit The Dragon, The Fakers Luck, Kissing The Boo Boo, Malichi

Set 2: It's Up To You, Many Rivers to Cross, Dr. Zaius, Elmer's Revenge, One For Brother Mike, Hillbillies on PCP

Source: Kevin Umberger, Alden Anderson

This show has an average rating of 4.33 out of 6 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

05/01/05 (Sun)  The Jungle - Eugene, OR
Set 1: Bad Hair, Electric Wildlife, Why Can't We All Just Samba?, Baby Baby, The Bronx Experiment, Malichi

Set 2: It's Up To You, Yabba Dabba Do, Many Rivers To Cross, Arf She Cried, Better Get It In Your Soul, Avalon

Source: Alden Anderson

This show has an average rating of 4.41 out of 27 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

05/04/05 (Wed)  KPFA 94.1 FM Studios - Berkeley, CA
Set 1: High & Lonesome, It's Up To You, A New Africa, Elmer's Revenge, Many Rivers To Cross, One For Brother Mike, Tongue 'n' Groove

Source: skb archives

This show has an average rating of 4.56 out of 9 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

05/06/05 (Fri)  Mystic Theater - Petaluma, CA
Set 1: Severe Tire Damage, Long Form Part 1, Afro Blue, Rigor Mortis, Yabba Dabba Doo, Sun Sun Sun

Set 2: A New Africa (1), Anorexia, Tangled Hangers, Many Rivers To Cross, Cissy Strut, Mr Potato Head (1), Sleepwalk

Comment: Entire show with Martin except
(1) No Martin

Source: Simon Friedman

This show has an average rating of 4.41 out of 27 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

06/04/05 (Sat)  Funk Box - Baltimore, MD
Set 1: High & Lonesome, Weapons Of Moose Destruction, Cole's Law > The Bronx Experiment, Many Rivers To Cross, Malichi

Set 2: You're The One, Life Of The Party, Incantation, Thing One, Tongue 'n' Groove

Source: skb archives

This show has an average rating of 4.50 out of 14 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

06/11/05 (Sat)  B.B. King Blues Club - New York City, NY
Set 1: Eudemon, Dr. Zaius, Baby Baby, Green > The Bronx Experiment, Tongue 'n' Groove

Set 2: Ice Cream, Many Rivers To Cross, Moon People, Message In A Bottle, Five B4 Funk, Why Can't We All Just Samba, E: Avalon

Source: skb archives

This show has an average rating of 4.00 out of 16 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

06/18/05 (Sat)  Revolution Hall - Troy, NY
Set 1: Ice Cream, Many Rivers To Cross, Electric Wildlife, Baby Baby, Elmer's Revenge, Hillbillies

Set 2: Thing One, Yabba Dabba Do, The Bronx Experiment, Nana's Chalk Pipe, Five B4 Funk, Tongue 'n' Groove

Source: skb archives

This show has an average rating of 4.31 out of 16 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

08/20/05 (Sat)  State Bridge Lodge - Bond, CO
Set 1: High & Lonesome, Green, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Papago, Elmer's Revenge, Bouncer

Set 2: Five B4 Funk, Electric Wildlife, Many Rivers To Cross, Dr. Zaius, Thing One, Tongue 'n' Groove

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitars, Reed Mathis - bass, and Mookie Siegel - keyboards.

Source: Kevin Umberger

This show has an average rating of 3.53 out of 15 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

09/11/05 (Sun)  Mystic Theater - Petaluma, CA
Set 1: High And Lonesome, A New Africa, Bad Hair, Many Rivers To Cross, Incantation, Kickin' Up Dust, Malichi

Set 2: Cole's Law (1) > Tangled Hangers (1), Hover, Bronx Experiment, One For Brother Mike, You're The One (1), Tongue 'n' Groove (1)

Comment: (1) With Martin Fierro On Tenor saxophone

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Reed Mathis - bass, And Robert Walter - Keyboards.

Source: Simon Friedman

This show has an average rating of 3.38 out of 21 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

09/23/05 (Fri)  House of Blues - West Hollywood, CA
Set 1: A New Africa, It's Up To You, Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, One For Brother Mike, Many Rivers To Cross, Kickin Up Dust, Elmer's Revenge, Dr. Zaius, Long Form Part 1, Five B4 Funk, Tongue 'n' Groove

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Reed Mathis - bass, and Robert Walter - keyboards.

Source: Kevin Umberger

This show has an average rating of 3.52 out of 21 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

09/30/05 (Fri)  The Parish - Austin, TX
Set 1: Cowboy, Green, Nana's Chalkpipe, Ice Cream Factory, Papago, One For Brother Mike, Sleepwalk

Set 2: A New Africa, Bad Hair, Kicking Up Dust, Many Rivers To Cross, Dr. Zaius, Five B4 funk

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Reed Mathis - bass, and Robert Walter - keyboards.

Source: Dustin Kelly

This show has an average rating of 3.54 out of 13 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

10/23/05 (Sun)  8x10 Club - Baltimore, MD
Set 1: Electic Wildlife, Cowboy, Incantation, Twinstar, Kissing The Boo Boo, Dr. Zauis, One for Brother Mike

Set 2: Kicking Up Dust, Nana's Chalk Pipe, Spirits in the Material World, Funky Miracle, Many Rivers To Cross, Aquafresh, Thing One

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Reed Mathis - bass, and Robert Walter - keyboards.

Source: Kevin Umberger

This show has an average rating of 3.50 out of 14 votes.

Rate this show:
Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

01/10/06 (Tue)  Jam Cruise @ - MSC Lirica, Atlantic Ocean
Set 1: It's Up To You, A New Africa, The Bronx Experiment, Many Rivers To Cross (1), Funky Miracle (1), Drums > Malichi, Spirits In The Material World (1), One For Brother Mike, Bouncer (1), Moon People (1), Hillbillies (1), Tongue 'n' Groove (1)

Comment: (1) with Buddy Cage on Pedal Steel.

This show has an average rating of 2.75 out of 16 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

01/20/06 (Fri)  Variety Playhouse - Atlanta, GA
Set 1: High And Lonesome, Funky Miracle, Malichi, Many Rivers To Cross, You're The One, One For Brother Mike

Set 2: Steel Guitar Rag, Bad Hair, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Baby Baby, The Bronx Experiment, Dr. Zaius, Little Wing

Source: Kem Smith

This show has an average rating of 3.16 out of 43 votes.

Rate this show:
Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

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