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12/4/2024 10:30:37 PM.
129869 shows listed.

Your Search for Steve Kimock Band returned 40 shows
containing your keyword Long Form Part 4 from All Sets
in all venues in any city listed by in Ascending order.


05/18/01 (Fri)  The Edge - Santa Barbara, CA
Set 1: Baby Baby, Long Form part 4, Cole's Law, Rocco, It's Up to You

Set 2: Long Form part 1, Elmer's Revenge > Avalon

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Bobby Vega - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar.

Source: Robert Wagner. Corrections: Tyler Blue

This show has an average rating of 4.88 out of 8 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

06/09/01 (Sat)  Bear Tooth Theatre - Anchorage, AK
Set 1: Tongue 'n' Groove, Bad Hair, Kissing the Boo Boo, Rocco, Elmer's Revenge, You're the One

Set 2: A New Africa, It's Up To You, Moon People, Long Form Part 4 > In Reply > Long Form Part 4 > bass solo (1) > Long Form Part 4, E: Steel Guitar Rag, Little Wing

Comment: (1) Manic Depression quote

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Bobby Vega - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar.

Source: Steve Levitan, Simon Friedman

This show has an average rating of 5.00 out of 6 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

07/06/01 (Fri)  High Sierra Music Festival @ Plumas-Sierra County Fairgrounds (Grandstand Stage) - Quincy, CA
Set 1: Why Can't We All Just Samba, Long Form part 1, Long Form part 4, In Reply, Cissy Strut (1), You're The One (1)

Comment: (1) With Melvin Seals

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Leo Traversi - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar.

Source: Art and Jeff Funk

This show has an average rating of 4.40 out of 5 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

09/01/01 (Sat)  Hog Farm Pignic @ Black Oak Ranch - Laytonville, CA
Set 1: Tangled Hangers, Baby Baby (1), You're The One (1) (2), Freeze Frame, Long Form part 4, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Five B4 Funk, Avalon

Comment: (1) with Pete Sears
(2) Martin Fierro

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar.

Source: skb archives

This show has an average rating of 4.00 out of 2 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

09/05/01 (Wed)  Fox Theatre - Boulder, CO
Set 1: Why Can't We All Just Samba, Freeze Frame, Green, A New Africa, Long Form Part 1, Better Get Hit In Your Soul

Set 2: Long Form Part 4, Baby Baby, Moon People, Kissing The Boo Boo, Avalon, E: You're the One

Source: skb archives

This show has an average rating of 4.67 out of 6 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

09/06/01 (Thu)  Fox Theatre - Boulder, CO
Set 1: It's Up to You, Cissy Strut, Ice Cream Factory, Freeze Frame, Why Can't We All Just Samba

Set 2: You're The One, Five B4 Funk, Moon People, Long Form Part 4, Avalon

Source: skb archives

This show has an average rating of 4.78 out of 9 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

10/20/01 (Sat)  Bowery Ballroom - New York City, NY
Set 1: Why Can't We All Just Samba, Better Get Hit In Your Soul, Sabertooth, Freeze Frame, Moon People, Avalon

Set 2: Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Five B4 Funk, Long Form part 4, Long Form part 1

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Richard Hammond - bass.

Source: skb archives

This show has an average rating of 4.67 out of 3 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

10/21/01 (Sun)  State Theatre - Falls Church, VA
Set 1: Tongue 'n' Groove, A New Africa, Tangled Hangers, Long Form Part 4 > Sabertooth, You're The One

Set 2: It's Up To You, Cissy Strut, Moon People, Elmer's Revenge, Avalon

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Richard Hammond - bass.

Source: Andrew Myers and Jim Arcidiacono

This show has an average rating of 4.50 out of 6 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

10/27/01 (Sat)  Tipitina's Uptown - New Orleans, LA
Set 1: You're the One, Baby Baby, Freeze Frame, Sabertooth, Drums > Five B4 Funk

Set 2: Why Can't We All Just Samba, Long Form Part 4, Arf She Cried, Incantation, Avalon

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Richard Hammond - bass.

Source: skb archives

This show has an average rating of 5.00 out of 3 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

11/02/01 (Fri)  Abbey Pub - Chicago, IL
Set 1: Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Freeze Frame, Long Form part 4, Sabertooth, Five B4 Funk

Set 2: A New Africa, Arf She Cried, Tongue 'n' Groove, Moon People, Long Form part 1, Sleepwalk

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Richard Hammond - bass.

Source: skb archives

This show has an average rating of 4.00 out of 4 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

11/06/01 (Tue)  Magic Bag - Ferndale, MI
Set 1: You're the One, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Long Form Part 4, Sabertooth, FIve B4 Funk

Set 2: Ice Cream Factory, ARF She Cried, Tangled Hangers, Incantation, Avalon, E: Baby Baby

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Richard Hammond - bass.

Source: Alan Dorchak and Candace B. Pinaud

This show has an average rating of 4.88 out of 8 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

11/24/01 (Sat)  Bottom Line - Nagoya, Japan
Set 1: Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Severe Tire Damage > Incantation, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Five B4 Funk

Set 2: Long Form Part 4, Sabertooth, Freeze Frame, A New Africa, Arf She Cried, In Reply > Avalon

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Richard Hammond - bass.

Source: skb archives

This show has an average rating of 4.75 out of 8 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

11/25/01 (Sun)  Bay Hall - Yokohama, Japan
Set 1: Tongue 'n' Groove, Tangled Hangers, Elmer's Revenge, Moon People, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Five B4 Funk

Set 2: Ice Cream Factory, Long Form Part 1, Long Form Part 4, Sabertooth, In Reply, Avalon, E: You're the One

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Richard Hammond - bass.

Source: Arielle Phares

This show has an average rating of 4.71 out of 7 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

12/21/01 (Fri)  Crystal Ballroom - Portland, OR
Set 1: Tongue 'n' Groove, Ice Cream Factory, Kissing The Boo Boo, Long Form part 4, Sabertooth, Rainbow's Cadillac

Set 2: Elmer's Revenge, Severe Tire Damage > Incantation, Moon People, Arf She Cried, Avalon

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Alphonso Johnson - bass.

Source: Alden Anderson

This show has an average rating of 4.44 out of 9 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

12/28/01 (Fri)  Great American Music Hall - San Francisco, CA
Set 1: A New Africa, Cole's Law (1), Merl's Boogie (1), Elmer's Revenge, Sabertooth, Five B4 Funk

Set 2: Why Can't We All Just Samba, Long Form Part 4 (1), Kissing The Boo Boo (1), Moon People, Better Get It In Your Soul

Comment: (1) Martin Fierro - saxophoneaphone.

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitar
Rodney Holmes - drums
Mitch Stein - guitar
Alphonso Johnson - bass

Source: skb archives

This show has an average rating of 4.75 out of 4 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

12/30/01 (Sun)  Great American Music Hall - San Francisco, CA
Set 1: Green, Cowboy, Ice Cream Factory, Moon People, Freeze Frame, Why Can't We All Just Samba

Set 2: Long Form part 4, Elmer's Revenge, Cissy Strut, It's Up To You, E: Steel Guitar Rag

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Alphonso Johnson - bass.

Source: skb archives

This show has an average rating of 5.00 out of 3 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

01/26/02 (Sat)  The Palladium - Worcester, MA
Set 1: Tongue 'n' Groove, Long Form part 4, Elmer's Revenge, Rainbow's Cadillac, Five B4 Funk, High and Lonesome, Moon people, Avalon

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitars, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums.

Source: Jeffrey Kushmerek & Rick Hanson

This show has an average rating of 4.31 out of 13 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

02/06/02 (Wed)  9:30 Club - Washington, DC
Set 1: Green, Elmer's Revenge, Long Form Part 4, Long Form Part 1, Sabertooth, In Reply

Set 2: Kissing The Boo Boo, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Moon People, Cole's Law > Avalon

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitars, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums.

Source: Andrew Myers

This show has an average rating of 4.09 out of 11 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

04/20/02 (Sat)  House of Blues - Chicago, IL
Set 1: Tongue 'n' Groove, Moon People, A New Africa, Severe Tire Damage, Sabertooth, Five B4 Funk

Set 2: You're the One, Elmer's Revenge, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Long Form part 4, Hillbillies On PCP, Avalon

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitars, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums.

Source: Arielle Phares

This show has an average rating of 4.33 out of 15 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

04/22/02 (Mon)  Chester's Place - Fayetteville, AR
Set 1: Bad Hair, Kissing The Boo Boo, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Long Form part 4, Sabertooth, Better Get Hit In Your Soul

Set 2: It's Up To You, Arf She Cried, Severe Tire Damage, A New Africa, In Reply, Five B4 Funk

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitars, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums.

Source: Arielle Phares

This show has an average rating of 4.17 out of 6 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

06/01/02 (Sat)  House of Blues - West Hollywood, CA
Set 1: Tongue 'n' Groove, A New Africa, Electric Wildlife, Sabertooth, Hillbillies

Set 2: Storm Crow, Freeze Frame, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Long Form Part 4, High and Lonesome, It's Up to You

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitars, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums.

Source: skb archives

This show has an average rating of 4.45 out of 11 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

08/10/02 (Sat)  State Theatre - Falls Church, VA
Set 1: Steel Guitar Rag, A New Africa, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Severe Tire Damage > Long Form Part 1, Long Form Part 4, Moon People

Set 2: It's Up To You, Bronx Experiment, Storm Crow, Tongue 'n' Groove, Rainbow's Cadillac, Arf She Cried

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitars, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums.

Source: Michael Deutsch, Chris Black

This show has an average rating of 4.80 out of 66 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

12/28/02 (Sat)  8150 Club - Vail, CO
Set 1: Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Elmer's Revenge, Long Form Part 4, Sabertooth, Hillbillies On PCP

Set 2: Ice Cream Factory, Baby Baby, Thing One, Moon People, Tongue 'N' Groove

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitars, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Rodney Holmes - drums.

Source: Alan Stecher

This show has an average rating of 4.45 out of 31 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

02/16/03 (Sun)  Higher Ground - Winooski, VT
Set 1: High And Lonesome, Ice Cream Factory, Storm Crow, Avalon, Arf She Cried, Why Can't We All Just Samba?

Set 2: Electric Wildlife, Baby Baby, Long Form Part 4, Long Form Part 1, Moon People

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.

Source: Alan Dorchak

This show has an average rating of 4.56 out of 16 votes.

Rate this show:
Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

03/10/03 (Mon)  The Social - Orlando, FL
Set 1: Long Form Part 4, Electric Wildlife, High & Lonesome, Five B4 Funk, Life of the Party, Hillbillies on PCP

Set 2: It's Up to You, Kissing the Boo Boo, drums > Elmer's Revenge, Moon People, In Reply > Avalon

Source: Alan Dorchak

This show has an average rating of 5.00 out of 11 votes.

Rate this show:
Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

04/19/03 (Sat)  Midtown Ballroom - Bend, OR
Set 1: Kissing the Boo Boo, Life of the Party, Mr. Potato Head, Sabertooth, Many Rivers to Cross, Long Form Part 4

Set 2: A New Africa, Severe Tire Damage, Thing One, drums > Elmer's Revenge, Arf She Cried, Why Can't We All Just Samba, E: Sleepwalk

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.

Source: Alan Dorchak

This show has an average rating of 4.55 out of 20 votes.

Rate this show:
Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

04/27/03 (Sun)  Cervante's Masterpiece Ballroom - Denver, CO
Set 1: Steve Solo, Le Petite Groove, Life of the Party, Ground Hog, Green, Bronx Experiment, Mr. Potato Head, Arf She Cried

Set 2: Bad Hair, Long Form Part 4, Severe Tire Damage, Ice Cream Factory, Chance in a Million, Better Get Hit in Your Soul, E: Little Wing

Comment: 1st set acoustic. 2nd set electric.

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.

Source: Sean Cohen

This show has an average rating of 4.83 out of 35 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

07/10/03 (Thu)  The Mint - Hailey, ID
Set 1: Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Electric Wildlife, Kissing The Boo Boo, Long Form Part 4 > Avalon

Set 2: You're The One, Thing One, Elmer's Revenge, Tongue 'n' Groove, Hillbillies On PCP

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Peter Apfelbaum - keyboards, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.

Source: Alan Dorchak, Charlie Miller

This show has an average rating of 3.25 out of 8 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

09/27/03 (Sat)  Bowery Ballroom - New York City, NY
Set 1: Long Form part 1, Life of the Party, Storm Crow, Sea Blues, KissinG the Boo Boo, Why Can't We All Just Samba

Set 2: It's Up To You, The Bronx Experiment, Thing One, Moon People, Long Form part 4 (1), You're the One (1)

Comment: (1) with Peter Apfelbaum on Saxophone

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.

Source: Kevin Umberger

This show has an average rating of 4.24 out of 17 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

10/18/03 (Sat)  Mexicali Blues - Teaneck, NJ
Set 1: High & Lonesome, It's Up To You, Sabretooth, Avalon, Long Form Part 1, Hillbillies On PCP

Set 2: Long Form Part 4, In Reply, Elmer's Revenge, Moon People, Thing One

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass.

Source: Cole Lahey

This show has an average rating of 4.85 out of 20 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

10/25/03 (Sat)  Visulite Theatre - Charlotte, NC
Set 1: High & Lonesome, Electric Wildlife, Tongue 'n' Groove, Elmer's Revenge, Long Form Part 1, Long Form Part 4

Set 2: Thing One, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Moon People, Ice Cream Factory, You're the One, Hillbillies On PCP

Source: Todd Runkle, Kevin Umberger

This show has an average rating of 4.00 out of 18 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

12/27/03 (Sat)  Avalon Ballroom - San Francisco, CA
Set 1: Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Electric Wildlife, One for Brother Mike, Long Form Part 4, Tongue 'n' Groove (1)

Set 2: Thing One > Eudemon > Sabertooth, Bouncer, Moon People, Kissin' The Boo Boo, Avalon

Comment: (1) with Martin Fierro

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Alphonso Johnson - bass, Mitch Stein - guitar, Jim Kost - keyboards.

Source: skb archives

This show has an average rating of 4.26 out of 43 votes.

Rate this show:
Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

02/27/04 (Fri)  Bearsville Theatre - Woodstock, NY
Set 1: Storm Crow, Ice Cream Factory, One For Bother Mike, Moon People, Long Form Part 4, Tongue 'n' Groove

Set 2: Long Form Part 1, Elmer's Revenge, Life of the Party, It's Up To You, Avalon

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass, Jim Kost - keyboards.

Source: Alex Zivian, Kevin Umberger

This show has an average rating of 4.29 out of 21 votes.

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Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

03/26/04 (Fri)  Water Street Music Hall - Rochester, NY
Set 1: Storm Crow, Electric Wildlife, Why Can't We All Just Samba, One For Brother Mike, Long Form Part 4, You're The One

Set 2: Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Thing One, Avalon, Five B4 Funk, Tongue 'n' Groove, E: A New Africa

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass, Jim Kost - keyboards.

Source: Alex Zivian, Charlie Miller

This show has an average rating of 4.39 out of 18 votes.

Rate this show:
Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

05/02/04 (Sun)  Mystic Theater - Petaluma, CA
Set 1: High and Lonesome, Ice Cream Factory, The Fakers Luck, One For Brother Mike, Long Form Part 4, Tongue 'n' Groove

Set 2: Thing One, Elmer's Revenge (1), Malichi, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Hillbillies On PCP

Comment: (1) with Julian Lage on guitar.

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass, Jim Kost - keyboards.

Source: Simon Friedman, Charlie Miller

This show has an average rating of 4.22 out of 18 votes.

Rate this show:
Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

09/26/04 (Sun)  Black Orchid Supper Club - Chicago, IL
Set 1: One For Brother Mike, Mr. Potato Head, While We Wait, Long Form Part 4, Malachi

Set 2: Eudemon, Thing One, Moon People, Many Rivers To Cross, Arf She Cried, Tongue 'n' Groove

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass.

Source: skb archives

This show has an average rating of 4.42 out of 19 votes.

Rate this show:
Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

11/12/04 (Fri)  Visulite Theatre - Charlotte, NC
Set 1: One For Brother Mike, Long Form Part 1, Yabba Dabba Do, Five B4 Funk, Thing One, Malichi

Set 2: Bouncer, Weapons Of Moose Destruction, Tangled Hangers, Drums > Moon People, Long Form Part 4, Tongue 'n' Groove

Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Rodney Holmes - drums, Mitch Stein - guitar, Leo Traversa - bass.

Source: skb archives

This show has an average rating of 4.62 out of 13 votes.

Rate this show:
Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

01/06/05 (Thu)  Fox Theatre - Boulder, CO
Set 1: It's Up To You, Weapons Of Moose Destruction, One For Brother Mike, Dr. Zaius, In Reply > Malichi

Set 2: Long Form part 1, Long Form part 4, Many Rivers To Cross, Incantation, Moon People, Tongue 'n' Groove, E: Five B/4 Funk

Source: Kevin Umberger, David Tracer

This show has an average rating of 4.74 out of 23 votes.

Rate this show:
Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

01/29/05 (Sat)  Middle East - Cambridge, MA
Set 1: Cole's Law > Tangled Hangers, Many Rivers To Cross, Thing One, Malichi

Set 2: It's Up To You, While We Wait, Elmer's Revenge, Long Form Part 4, Tongue 'n' Groove

Source: skb archives

This show has an average rating of 4.57 out of 28 votes.

Rate this show:
Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

05/03/05 (Tue)  Six Rivers Brewing Company - McKinleyville, CA
Set 1: Weapons Of Moose Destruction, Long Form Part 4, One For Brother Mike, The Fakers Luck, Malichi

Set 2: You're The One, Electric Wildlife, While We Wait > Incantation

Source: skb archives

This show has an average rating of 3.00 out of 7 votes.

Rate this show:
Weak Below Average Average Above Average Excellent

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