Today's Date: 12/9/2024.

Database last updated at:
12/7/2024 10:17:06 PM.
129870 shows listed.

Your Search for Steve Kimock Band returned 1 show
containing your keyword Bob Zilla Jam from All Sets
in all venues in any city listed by in Ascending order.


02/25/00 (Fri)  Vogue Theatre - Vancouver, BC, Canada
Set 1: Bad Hair, Rocco, Footprints, Why Can't We All Just Samba, Five B4 Funk, It's Up To You

Set 2: Steel Guitar Rag, Cole's Law, Sea Blues, Mr. Potato Head > Severe Tire Damage > Jam > Mr. Potato Head > Tangled Hangers > Bob Zilla Jam > Hillbillies On PCP > Tangled Hangers, E: You're the One

Source: Art Granoff. Corrections: Marc Caifano

This show has an average rating of 4.86 out of 7 votes.

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